Quick and Easy Lined Clutch Purse Using One Piece of Fabric

How to Make a Quick and Easy Lined Clutch Purse Using Only One Piece of Fabric!

Here's a quick and easy sewing project Fellow Crafters - a fully lined clutch purse using only one piece of fabric! I featured this project on The Krafty Mobile Instagram page, and thought you might find a step-by-step-instruction handy, so here goes:

STEP 1: Cut your fabric. This pouch can be made to almost any size - you're only limited by the width of your fabric. For the bag shown here, I used the full width of a Tilda fabric (this came to 111cm after I trimmed away the selvedge edge), and from this I cut a 24cm strip. This will become the width of the finished bag (less your seam allowance). If you would like your completed purse to be firm sided, apply a fusible woven interfacing to the wrong of your fabric at this point.

STEP 2: Turn your fabric over so that it is facing right side down on your work surface, and fold in half lengthwise, bringing both edges together - once folded you should have the right side of the fabric face up.

Step 2 Fold down the top selvedge edge.

STEP 3: Taking hold of the selvedge edge of the top layer of fabric, fold it down, going past the fold line to form an overhang. This overhang will form the flap of the bag.

Step 3 Fold down the top layer to form an overhang, which will become the flap of the bag.

As a guide, my overhang measured 17cm.

The overhang forms the flap of the bag.

STEP 4: Taking care to keep all folds intact, turn the fabric over. The right side of the fabric should be facing you again.

Keeping the layers intact, turn the fabric over.

STEP 5: Taking hold of the remaining selvedge edge, fold down as before, bringing both selvedge edges together. At this stage, all edges should be neat and even, and you should have two sets of layers: a two fabric layer (the flap) plus a four fabric layer (the body of the bag). As a guide, my flap was approximately 17cm deep, the body of the bag 19cm deep.

 Fold down remaining selvedge edge.

STEP 6: Pin all layers together.

Step 6: Pin all layers together.

STEP 7: If you would like a rounded shape to the flap of your bag, use a marking pencil and circle template (or a rounded shape, such as a jar or saucer) to draw round corners on the selvedge edge.

Mark rounded corners on your flap.

I used a circle template, but a round jar, glass or saucer will also work.

STEP 8: Following the markings you have just made, trim the selvedge corners to the rounded shape.

 Trim the selvedge edges to the rounded markings.

STEP 9: Using a small seam allowance (mine was 9mm), machine stitch all the way around the bag, leaving a small opening for turning. For neatness, make sure the opening is within the body (four layered) part of the bag.

 Machine stitch all the way around the bag, leaving a small opening within the body of the bag for turning..

STEP 10: Being careful not to cut into your line of sewing, clip and trim the seam allowance around the corners.

Clip and trim corners

STEP 11: Turn the bag the right way out through the opening. You will find four layers of fabric in the opening - turn your bag through the space created by an outer layer and its neighbour. As the bag is reversible, you can select the opening created from either outer layer.

Turn the bag the right way out through the opening.

STEP 12: Use a turning tool to gently ease out all corners of the bag - simply insert the tool through the opening, gently pushing against the seam allowance until the edge is neatened.

Use a turning tool, in this case, The Purple Thang, to ease out the seams.

STEP 13: Press the bag. As an optional extra, top stitch along the edge of the flap (this isn't essential, but gives a nice professional finish).

After pressing the bag, an optional extra is to top stitch the flap.

STEP 14: Stitch the opening closed. If you're in a hurry, you can do this with a top stitch using your machine, or you can go "old school" and use mattress or slip stitch to close the opening. Keep in mind that there is an opening on the outside and inside of the bag, so if you're hand stitching, you'll have two holes to do!

Stitch the opening closed.


Once you're familiar with this project, you'll be amazed at how quick it will make up. Try adding magnetic or snap closures, embellishments, such as fringing, or fabric Yo-Yo's , or try them in different sizes, from tiny coin purses to generous book bags. They make a beautiful gift, and are even a sustainable alternative to gift wrap!

 Make your lined pouch in lots of different sizes!

These little lined clutch purses make great book bags!

Until next time,

Happy Crafting,

Michelle xx.


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